Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Manuscript sent to proof-reader

I've sent my manuscript to my proof-reader. So, I'm getting closer to the completion of this stage of the book.

In the grand scheme of things, her quote for proof-reading it is not that big, but it's still an out-of-pocket cost that I will incur up front. Do I really, really need to have it proof-read? There can't be that many mistakes in it, can there?

Of course, when I sell my millionth copy the amount will be negligible.

On a different but related topic, I'm realizing that I miss my Palm TX. The Palm m515 that I bought to cover for it works but won't run applications I use such as NoteStudio, DayNotez, and Bonsai. I am missing having NoteStudio on a device that fits in my pocket. I used NoteStudio when I developed the outline for That Warrior Spirit and I found it great for capturing those ideas that occur in the moment and for organizing them.

I've heard about a guy named Chris Short who fixes Palm devices and he has a good reputation so I'm getting in touch with him to find out if he will fix my Palm TX and how much it will cost me to do so. Ouch. Another out of pocket expense?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Re-calibrating my writing plans

I miss writing for my novel, That Warrior Spirit. I worked at it diligently in August and in September and made lots of progress. By the end of September I felt like I needed to re-calibrate my priorities though, and put more focus on my business Pictures That Move. Consequently I didn't reach the target I had hoped to reach in October.

I haven't given up though. I've re-calibrated again. I'm so close to getting that first edition out the door that I can't just leave it hanging where it is and not do something about it. My new target is end of November. I've completed all the manuscript changes that I'm going to make, and I'm going to send it out to my proof-reader this week. All that's left for me to do is write the afterword, design the back cover and get it out to lulu.

My plan is to resume my writing schedule in January to start writing what would have been Chapter 5 in my original outline. Meanwhile I've felt some ideas floating around in my head for another book series to start. I guess it can't hurt to start an outline for that series.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A dog eat biscuit world

That episode last month with the cat food left a bad taste in my mouth for a while (see Roasted almonds). I told Jan that I wouldn't eat cat food anymore. So today she makes a batch of dog biscuits.

She's going to put them in bone-shaped tin containers and sell them.

I decide that I am going to refrain from sampling them. Stay away!

I succeeded. Mostly. Right up until Jan took one and right in front of me she bit into it and ate it. Then she told me how good it was and offered me one. So with some hesitation I finally tried it. She was right! It really was yummy. It's made of sesame and flour and other normal ingredients that one would find in a cookie made for human consumption. Except for chocolate of course.

I ate two before she cut me off.

At dinner, something got caught in her throat and she started coughing and gagging, trying to dislodge it and make it come out. "What's the matter Jan, do you have a hairball?"

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Red Rock Nevada video montage

A road trip to Red Rock and a tour of The Strip in Las Vegas are featured in this video montage that my company, Pictures That Move, produced for Men's Divisions International (MDI). The footage was filmed by men attending the MDI Internationals convention in October.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Grand challenges

My men's team, Grand Central, and its parent team South Central have been facing some difficult challenges. Grand Central and our brother team Sub Central have been alternating between meeting as separate teams and meeting as one large team throughout the summer. How has that worked for us?

Apparently not too well. I think that we became too insular, too inwardly focused. I'll be frank - I think we'd been operating at a shitty level. Shitty to the point that coming into the fourth and final quarter of the year we decided to meet jointly as one large team regularly through to the end of the year so that we could build the teams up again, rekindle that old South Central team spirit.

Things are picking up for the large team, South Central, and men have stepped up to lead various projects that will shift us back to being more outward focused. By outward focused I mean we take on things that reach out to the communities around us.

We've also started a 21 Day Challenge program. This program is based on the premise that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. Most of the men have identified a habit that they would like to break and a habit that they would like to replace it with. We're using each other as a support and accountability framework to set ourselves up for success. The habit that I'm working on is tidying up my room. I have piles of clutter in my room and every time I take on the project of tidying it up I get so far and stall. I hope that at the end of this 21 Day Challenge I am really proud of what I've done with my room.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A hard day's night

Many self development and motivational workshops that I've attended over the years teach about the importance of having a purpose or a mission, as something that will motivate me to get out of bed each morning. Well, the thing that motivates me to get out of bed most mornings is my bladder.

When I got up this morning, William the cat was in his usual position by the front door, waiting to be let out. I let him out and then went and did my morning routine in the bathroom, stuff like shower and get dressed. When I went into the kitchen for breakfast, I saw William come in with his let me out body language. Huh? Didn't I already let him out? What was he doing back inside?

I sometimes wonder what he does all day when he goes out. I imagine him going to the office, carrying a briefcase in his mouth. Goodbye William, have a good day at the office. Don't forget your Metropass.

Then I think about the fact that he was named after William Wallace, the character from Braveheart. I get a different image then of what he does when he's out all day. Goodbye William, have fun storming the castle.