Sunday, January 23, 2011

A homeopathic approach

I met with my rheumatologist last week and he told me that my CRP and ESR levels are elevated and increasing. I saw the chart - if it was a stock chart I'd be buying. They're not stocks though, they're indicators of inflammation. My rheumatologist wants to put me back on meds; I've been off meds for about three years now. I've decided to pursue homeopathic and naturopathic remedies for the next few months and if the markers in my blood work don't show a noticeable improvement within the next few months then I will start the meds.

I've talked to a homeopathic doctor that I know and she assures me with a great degree of certainty that as the cells in my body renew themselves, the joint damage will not only halt but can actually reverse itself.

Pick up your mat and walk...