Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Reviews are in

I've received a number of reviews of the song that I posted to last week. Now, if I was being totally objective I'd say the reviews have been well balanced overall, presenting both positive and negative comments in a generally constructive manner.

I'm not totally objective of course. As much as I try not to take constructive criticism too personally, I still struggle with my own inner critic, which is the harshest critic of them all. As a result of conversations with my inner critic, I am sensitive in particular about my vocal abilities. When I receive reviews about my vocals being weak or off key, my inner critic says You see! I'm right! What the hell gives you the right to be putting this stuff out in public?

It is frustrating and discouraging to want to do something so much but to hear that I'm no good at it.

Fortunately I also have a kinder, gentler, compassionate self. This side has been working overtime dealing with the critic. This side reminds me that there are ways of improving such deficiencies. This side reminds me not to overlook the positive feedback that I have received. This side reminds me to quit being so hard on myself and to quit beating myself up.

This side reminds me that persistence prevails.

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