Monday, March 07, 2005

Writing 350 words a day

When I wrote in my previous post, A step forward towards writing my novel, about writing 350 words a day, it was just an idea I had. It was not something I had intended to actually start doing. Not until some undetermined time in the future when I would decide that I was ready to start writing my book.

But I couldn't resist the challenge. It was just on my mind so much, I just had to see if I could do it. See if I could write 350 words. The equivalent, by my calculations, of one page of a paperback novel, per day.

There's a scene for Mission Dawn, called Arjay's Reversal, that I've been trying to write. I've been stuck on it for a while. So during my "writing blitz" I focused on some of the questions I need to ask myself, questions I need to answer, in order to be able to complete this scene satisfactorily.

I found that I was able to write around 360 words easily. It took no effort, only discipline to do it. Having exceeded my original target of 350 words, I decided to press on, to keep writing. I got to around 530 words by the time I put it aside for the day. I think I could have done more if I had more time to spend on it. Did I say a thousand words a day sounds like a lot? Maybe it's not as big as I thought it would be.

I'm going to keep up this exercise for the next few weeks. My target is 350 words a day, five days a week. When I'm ready, I'll set myself a new target of 1000 words a day.

Got to keep building those "writing muscles".

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