Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Note of encouragement

Here is a message I received from my sister, after she read my post A step forward towards writing my novel. (I have her permission to quote it here).

Hey, I'm touched! Merry Christmas and much success with your novel writing! Its amazing how one small act of kindness or thoughtfulness towards another can snowball into something incredibly fantastic! I am absolutely thrilled!

Today was Day 12 of my 350 words/day writing blitz. I'm starting to slow down a bit. When I started, I was averaging about 500 words/day. The last few days my average has been down, just over 350 words. That's alright, I was above target to start with. As long as it stays over 350.

I wasn't sure when I started, if I'd be able to come up with 350 words each day towards my story. Now, I'm finding that 350 words is not a problem. I think coming up with 1000 words would not be a problem. What is the problem, is having the time in the day to do it.

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