Friday, March 18, 2005

Wills or Won'ts

Well, that was a rather bold statement I made in my previous post, Where there's a will. Then again, boldness is part of my Life Purpose Statement.

I did take action this week, like I said I would. The action I took was that I called the lawyer I will be using for my will. He had sent me a questionnaire several months ago. It's a long questionnaire with many pages and many questions. To tell the truth, I got intimidated by it, and that's why I put it off for so long.

Then I started wondering if I needed to fill out the whole thing. I had a vague impression of the lawyer telling me to fill in only the demographic information. Had he really told me that, or had I just imagined it? That's what I called him about, to ask how much of it I needed to answer in order to get the ball rolling.

For my effort, I was rewarded with a recorded message informing me that he is on vacation until March 28. Doh!

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