Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Soul of a poet

My friend Jan continues to recuperate from the aneurysm she suffered in February. She has been released from the hospital where she had her surgery and transfered to a rehab center where she is undergoing therapy to regain the functions she lost as a result of her trauma. Her husband Fede continues to tell the story of her recovery in her blog.

The other day he wrote some amazing and incredibly poetic words in her blog. It made me want to write music to it. A melody started running through my head for most of the morning on that day, but I didn't capture it and by the afternoon the melody was gone.

This morning it came again while I was making breakfast. I don't know if it was exactly the same melody as from the previous day, but it was close. I hummed and captured it on the voice memo recorder on my LifeDrive.

Fede commented that he was just writing what he felt. Fede - you have the soul of a poet. Keep on writing, keep on sharing.

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