Thursday, May 25, 2006


I recently wrote that I wanted to be able to listen to podcasts in my car while driving to work. This desire was behind my requirement that my new cell phone had to be able to play mp3 files. I had envisioned listening to podcasts that I copied to my phone on its speakerphone, or even better - over some kind of Bluetooth-enabled car speaker.

Now that I know a bit more about my new cell phone, I think that it won't be a practical device for playing back podcasts because of its limited memory. That leaves me with two playback options. One, to use my LifeDrive as an mp3 player. This works fine when I am at home and listening through headphones. Listening through the LifeDrive's built in speaker sucks though; the audio sounds like it's coming from a cheap transistor radio.

The other option is to burn the audio files to a CD and play them over my car's audio system. This seems like an old fashioned way to do it, plus what do I do with the CD's after I've listened to them?

I've read somewhere that there is an adapter that plugs into a PDA or mp3 player and transmits the audio on a frequency that can be picked up on a car's audio system. I wonder how much such a device costs and how many CD's I would have to burn before it would be worth my while getting one?

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