Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Closer to the heart

In the video projects I've done in the past I've always strived to select a song to use for soundtrack that was suitable for the presentation and felt right for the project.

At the volunteer event this past weekend (see Trail Blazing), I shot several pictures and video segments of volunteers at work and of the scenery. I felt an inspiration on this weekend to put them all together into a new video, and I kept listening to my instincts to come up with a song to use as a soundtrack. If I may say so myself, I have a knack for picking soundtracks for the video projects I've done.

After considering and rejecting a few titles, one came to me - Closer to the Heart, by Rush. It seemed like a good fit. Then I looked up the lyrics on the internet, and I was floored. The words just seemed to be so bang on. It was one of those moments where you just know that's the one.

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mould a new reality
Closer to the heart.

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