Thursday, April 28, 2005

The seeds of a story - Mission: Dawn

I recently found something I wrote in one of my notebooks - my idea book. It was a note for a story idea and it was dated Tuesday September 30, 2003. This is what I had written:

A group of space explorers visit a newly discovered planet. They observe it from a distance, careful not to interfere with its cultures (along the lines of Starfleet Prime Directive, from Star Trek).

A team lands on the planet to observe. Inadvertantly they affect the local culture, who builds a religion around them. When it is time for the team to leave, several members remain behind to try to fix the damage, unobtrusively.

Wow, I hadn't realized that this idea went as far back as 2003.

I am pleased with what this idea has evolved into. Starting with just that idea, I now have a title, a setting, and an ensemble of characters who have names, history, and goals. I have written enough content to fill a chapter.

At the same time I am disheartened that this process is coming so slowly. I mean, after a year of writing, I am still working on the first chapter. At this pace it will take me a decade to finish.

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