Saturday, April 23, 2005

The start of a journey

Several years ago, I'd say around 2001, I had a work assignment downtown, with the City. Sometimes as an escape, I would spend my lunch break at a nearby book store browsing through a novel. Typically I would pick up some Star Trek novel off the shelf and read a couple of pages, or chapters, before going back to the office.

One day as I was walking to the book store, I heard a voice in my head telling me Learn how rich people think. I poo-poohed the idea at first telling myself Why would I want to do that? Rich people are greedy, they are corrupt, they achieve their wealth by stepping on others. The voice persisted though, and told me Just go learn how rich people think; you don't have to become like them if you don't like what you learn.

So on that day, instead of taking my usual mental escape through a Star Trek novel, I picked up a book in the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, written by Robert Kiyosaki. Reading that book opened up my mind to new possibilities, and inspired me to begin my own journey towards financial independence.

Since then, my journey has led to some adventure, drama and excitement; it has also led me to stress, disappointment and discouragement. I have had some achievements of which I'm really proud, and I have had some experiences that I could have done without.

This journey is not over yet.

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