Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Missed the stairs today

After three months of doing the stairs at work on a daily basis, I missed a day today. I usually do them near the end of the day. Today I left early though - if you call leaving at 5pm leaving early! I left early because I had an appointment with my accountant to go over my 2004 tax return. I had finally prepared all my documentation and delivered it to my accountant last week - one thing I can check off my list. He is going to e-file it for me and I need to go see him again next week to pick up my file.

Test execution continues at work. I have been operating at a high level of stress for about a month now, and it is getting to me. Now the client is asking us to work Saturdays as well.

On a positive note, a friend of mine recently "discovered" my blog and commended me for its attractive format, and wrote that I am an example to her for forever going after my conscious goals.

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