Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Manuscript sent to proof-reader

I've sent my manuscript to my proof-reader. So, I'm getting closer to the completion of this stage of the book.

In the grand scheme of things, her quote for proof-reading it is not that big, but it's still an out-of-pocket cost that I will incur up front. Do I really, really need to have it proof-read? There can't be that many mistakes in it, can there?

Of course, when I sell my millionth copy the amount will be negligible.

On a different but related topic, I'm realizing that I miss my Palm TX. The Palm m515 that I bought to cover for it works but won't run applications I use such as NoteStudio, DayNotez, and Bonsai. I am missing having NoteStudio on a device that fits in my pocket. I used NoteStudio when I developed the outline for That Warrior Spirit and I found it great for capturing those ideas that occur in the moment and for organizing them.

I've heard about a guy named Chris Short who fixes Palm devices and he has a good reputation so I'm getting in touch with him to find out if he will fix my Palm TX and how much it will cost me to do so. Ouch. Another out of pocket expense?

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