Thursday, November 19, 2009

Re-calibrating my writing plans

I miss writing for my novel, That Warrior Spirit. I worked at it diligently in August and in September and made lots of progress. By the end of September I felt like I needed to re-calibrate my priorities though, and put more focus on my business Pictures That Move. Consequently I didn't reach the target I had hoped to reach in October.

I haven't given up though. I've re-calibrated again. I'm so close to getting that first edition out the door that I can't just leave it hanging where it is and not do something about it. My new target is end of November. I've completed all the manuscript changes that I'm going to make, and I'm going to send it out to my proof-reader this week. All that's left for me to do is write the afterword, design the back cover and get it out to lulu.

My plan is to resume my writing schedule in January to start writing what would have been Chapter 5 in my original outline. Meanwhile I've felt some ideas floating around in my head for another book series to start. I guess it can't hurt to start an outline for that series.

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