Thursday, November 03, 2005

Writing the next paragraph

My novel-in-progress, Mission: Dawn, has once again stalled. It is now six months since I started Chapter 2. I had a good roll in the summer when I completed several scenes, but work and real estate seem to be in the way of regular writing.

I've been working on a scene called Celebration. I actually got stuck for a while with this scene. I had a general idea for this scene but the details just weren't coming to me.

One technique I use when I am stuck but want to keep moving forward is what I call the next paragraph. What I do is quickly review the last scene I've written and then tell myself to write the next paragraph. If I'm really stuck then I tell myself to just write the next sentence, or line of dialog. If I can discipline myself to do this process once a day and actually write it, then after about three days I'll get back into a flow and the story just starts coming to me.

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