Thursday, November 10, 2005

Tony Robbins and duct tape

I've been listening to a Tony Robbins CD about driving forces. Tony Robbins defines six forces that are supposed to drive human behaviour.

Two of his six forces are those that TR calls uncertainty and uncertainty. According to TR, it is a paradox of human behaviour that people are motivated by certainty as well as uncertainty. His claim is that people want a degree of certainty (they're going to eat, have a roof over their head, be able to pay the bills) but if they are saturated with certainty it leads to boredom - hence they create uncertainty.

What TR calls uncertainty is what I call security and what he calls uncertainty is what I call variety.

I find that being involved in real estate creates a lot of variety. One day it's roll up your sleeves and get dirty, physical work, get on your hands and knees and poke your head into a dark and dusty hole in the basement because you're trying to fix something. The next day it's city hall, going through bureaucracy to get a licence or permit for something, or to make a property tax payment.

One day you're dealing with duct tape; the next day you're dealing with red tape.

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