Saturday, July 23, 2005

Songwriting exercises revisited

Back in April I had found a book on songwriting. In this book I found a list of chord progressions and an exercise - to write a melody for each progression. (See Songwriting exercise) I dabbled a bit with this exercise, then got really busy at work so I didn't have much creative energy left.

I revisited those exercises this week, and worked on four of the eleven progressions. The effort has helped me deal with that state of lethargy I've been in the past few days.

One progression I particularly like is #4, which is:
G D Em C C Am Bm Em - G D Em C - G Am Bm D G.

I'm not sure what the dashes in the progression mean (I just copied it as written in the book), so I'm making up my own interpretation. I'm interpreting that the dashes separate the verse, chorus, and bridge. I've created a Reason file and so far I've worked on the verse (G D Em C C Am Bm Em).

Even though it's still in rough form, it already sounds very nice. J also likes that one best of the ones I've worked on so far.

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