Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Video journalling

I saw the movie Avatar a few weeks ago during the Christmas holidays. Saw it in 3D from the fourth row. Cool movie. The story was predictable, basically a science fiction remake of Dances With Wolves, but I thought it was told well. Awesome scenery and it all looked great in 3D. Even the subtitles appeared to float in the air in a space of their own. I don't know if I was supposed to return my glasses to the receptacles that they had by the exit, but I kept mine.

One thing about the story that I found inspiring was the idea of keeping a video log. I've done a lot of journalling through handwriting and on my Palm PDA, on various PC's, and I even kept a voice journal for a brief period. After seeing Avatar I got excited about the idea of keeping a video log. When i got home I did some googling and discovered an application called MacJournal. I downloaded and installed the 15-day trial version and started using it. I like using it, it's got that whole "Captain's Log" feeling, right out of Star Trek.

The 15-day trial period went by quickly. Did I really want to fork out the forty-something dollars to buy a registered copy? Well, three or four days after the trial period ended I was missing it. i had gotten into an almost daily ritual of recording into my video log and I missed it. Oh my gosh, it was like having withdrawal symptoms.

I bought it. Paid for it, got a license key, and resumed my video journalling. I got my fix.

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