Friday, October 05, 2007

LifeDrive kaput

Got a message from the Best Buy service centre where I sent in my LifeDrive about three weeks ago. It won't turn on (like, duh, that's why I sent it in). They want to replace the mainboard. The cost will be $470 and it's not covered under warranty. Sheesh - is it worth it? Well, that depends. I had some documents on its microdrive that I hadn't synced with my desktop computer, so if fixing it means I'll be able to access those documents then maybe I can justify the cost. Instead of looking at it as the cost of repairs, I could look at it as the value I place on the intellectual property I have on that device.

If they replace the mainboard, will the files on the microdrive remain intact? I asked.

No. When they replace the board they need to perform a factory reset which will reformat the drive.

In that case I might as well spend my money on a new PDA. Too bad. I had the thing for less than two years (see My palm pilot died).

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