I have recently discovered a web site called GarageBand that focuses on independent music, and I have finally got around to setting up an account there. I haven't uploaded any tracks yet; I have to review 15 songs by other artists first in order to get an upload credit. I plan to do that over the next week or two.

I've uploaded a picture to my GB account but it is distorted. I uploaded an image of a business card with my name and logo, but my image is rectangular and GB made it square. The conversion process stretched it out vertically which makes it look silly. I'll replace it with an image of one of my CD covers.
After I complete my 15 reviews, I will be able to upload one of my own tracks, and then it will get reviewed by other members. Thus, I will be directly fulfilling one of my goals for 2005:
Build and use a peer review network for my songwriting.
GarageBand websiteMy artist page on GarageBand
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