Friday, February 11, 2005

Blogging real estate

I've been reading a few real estate investment blogs that I've found. They are written people who are actively working to build their real estate portfolios in order to achieve financial independence. I read them because I like reading blogs that are easy to read, and I like reading about people who are goal oriented and are taking action to reach their goals.

I've thought about starting a separate blog to chronicle my own adventures in real estate. What's holding me back is that I'm not comfortable about putting too much information about my investment activities on the internet. Maybe in time I will get over that; perhaps in time I will feel confident about being able to write about my journey through real estate without giving too much away.

As I travel towards my financial independence, I try to keep in mind what it's all for. I don't want to reach my goal then find myself thinking, "Now what?" This blog is about a different part of my journey. It is a reminder to me of what my financial independence is all about. It's about the creative endeavours I want to pursue; it's about the interactions I want to have with the people around me; it's about having the time in my day for all that.

A few of the real estate blogs that I find interesting to follow are:

Shaun's Real Estate Adventures
My Real Estate Investing Venture
Joe Kelley's Real Estate Investment Weblog

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