Thursday, March 26, 2009

Getting started

I find it hard to believe that I'm already in Week 7 of my OSEB Phase III program. I've already submitted two milestone assignments and have one more tomorrow.

The other day, my coach Stew asked me if I had to wait until I graduated from the program to get my business started. I told him that I do not - there are people in my class that have already got a business in some stage of development.

So - what am I waiting for? Do I really need to wait until I complete my business plan before I start doing business? No, I don't need to, and I'm not going to.

I've made a list of start-up activities that I can do that do not have to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time. I call this list Stage 1.

Here is my current list of Stage 1 activities:

  • Design and print 250 business cards.

  • Register domain name.

  • Set up business email account.

  • Attend first networking event.

  • Complete first Touchstone (portfolio) video (add soundtrack and ending).

  • Create initial list of people I want to be in my Mastermind group.

I'm targeting to have my business card design completed by Tuesday.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Practice practice practice

I went to see Avalon at the Queensway Cathedral tonight.

The opening performance was by Jay Calder, a very talented guitarist. He played a very unique style, one in which he provided all of his own accompaniment - all with just one acoustic guitar.

Steve O was there too. During the break he said to me, "I'll have to step down from the worship team now that I've seen him play guitar."

To which I replied, "Forget that, you should just practice more."

Friday, March 06, 2009

Is today Friday?

I had three all-day workshops this week - one on Monday, one on Wednesday, one today (Friday).

The lifestyle I have now is very close to my dream lifestyle, in the sense that I am no longer in the Monday to Friday nine-to-five schedule. However, I am sometimes confused about what day of the week it is. On Wednesday morning when I came to the workshop I was tempted to ask my classmates, "How was your weekend?" I see the same people several times a week and I hadn't seen them the day before (Tuesday) so my mind started telling me that a weekend had just finished.

A similar thing happened at the end of the day on Wednesday. I was tempted to say, "Have a nice weekend" as I left for the day. I knew I wasn't going to see them the next day (Thursday) so my mind started telling me that a weekend was about to begin. Not a bad lifestyle, having a one-day weekend the day before and a one-day weekend the day after.

As I left class at the end of today I realized that I actually could correctly say "Have a nice weekend."